Forest Bathing
Forest Bathing experiences take you on a journey through the forest, immersing you in the sights, sounds, smells, and textures of nature. It is underpinned by mindfulness principles encouraging: the opening of the senses to the forest atmosphere; slowing walking through the forest; inhaling the forest air; and fostering an emotional connection to the landscape. By slowing down and engaging all your senses, you can tap into the healing power of nature and access a deep sense of calm and relaxation.
“A health promoting, nature connection practice that aims to enhance wellbeing, relieve stress, and encourage relaxation.”
Forest Bathing is informed by the scientific evidence that aspects of the forest environment – such as rich biodiversity, phytoncides, microbes in the soil, negative ions, fractal patterns in nature, a natural soundscape, and unpolluted air – can enhance health and wellbeing. Forest Bathing takes a whole person approach and recognises the intrinsic healing capacity within everyone. It seeks to restore the dynamic balance of a living system by immersive meaningful nature experiences.
In the past twenty years people’s lifestyles have significantly changed. People are now spending most of their lives indoors, on screens. They have lost their connection to the natural world. They have lost their connection to themselves. This has had a major impact not only on human health but also on planetary health. We need a new strengthened relationship with nature and a deep understanding of ourselves for a sustainable, healthy future.
One of the core aspects of a Forest Bathing Guide is having a strong connection with the natural world so you can enhance that connection for the individuals and groups you work with.
What areas do Forest Bathing Guides work in?
- Nature Based Workplace Wellbeing
- Ecotourism
- Stress Prevention
- Forest Bathing for General Public
- Personal Transformation
- Nature & Wellbeing
- Community work
- Promoting flourishing and positive mental health
- Environmental Groups
- Workshops & Retreats
- Forest Bathing for children/ adolescents/ adults/ older adults/ families
- Forest Bathing and nature based expressive arts
Research at the University of Exeter UK has shown that 120 minutes of nature contact a week can significantly promote health and wellbeing. Research groups around the world are working on what is the optimal “Dose of Nature” for different populations.
Physical Health: Spending time in nature reduces blood pressure, reduces stress, boosts immune system, improves blood sugar levels in diabetes, improves sleep, reduces risk of cardiovascular disease (heart attack and stroke), increases natural killer cells and can help with chronic pain.
Mental Health: Contact with nature reduces anxiety, improves mood, enhances general wellbeing, reduces depression, enhances concentration, improves cognitive functioning, reduces symptoms of ADHD.
Social Wellbeing: Bringing people together in nature can strengthen relationships and community bonds, reduces social isolation, help social integration, and boosts confidence. Loneliness has the same impact on health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
Spiritual Health: Experiencing awe and wonder in nature can lead to peak or transformative experiences. People who spend time in nature in a contemplative and reflective way get better insight into their life’s meaning and purpose.
At Yorkshire Forest Therapy, we offer a range of wellness pathways to cater for diverse needs and interests. Led by experienced guide Lix, our services include Forest Bathing and Reiki, which can be combined to provide a holistic and transformative experience.
Image galleries
Here’s a really neat custom feature we added – galleries:

Image carousels
Here’s another gallery with only one column, which creates a carousel slide-show instead.
A nice little feature: the carousel only advances when it is in view, so your visitors won’t scroll down to find it half way through your images.